
Check back regularly to find more news and relationship advice from Sara Freed.

Should I Talk About Everything That Bothers Me?

In real estate, it’s all about “location, location, location.” Where a property is located greatly determines that property’s value. In relationships, however, when bringing up an important topic that needs to be discussed, it’s all about “timing, timing, timing.” Let’s be clear: you should be able to discuss anything and everything with your spouse. But it’s […]

How to Get Back Out There: Dating Tips for Divorcees

Navigating the dating world was hard enough the first time around, so getting back out there might seem impossible. Trust me, I know! I’ve been there. Once you feel that it’s time for you to start dating again, you’re probably going to face obstacles and challenges you haven’t have to deal with for years. I […]

Are You Asking Your Spouse to Be Too Open?

One of the best parts of a relationship is getting to know your partner on a deeper level. But we may feel like we’re at a standstill if our partner is not opening up. This can be frustrating and confusing. But it is also a common issue. So what do you do? A study was […]

Why Money Is a Leading Cause of Relationship Conflicts

In long-term relationships, money matters. Many of us recite vows that include some version of “for richer or poorer.” But that means something very different if only one of you is earning the vast majority of the income. Or if one person is a saver, and the other is a spender. And when people start […]

The Tension between Self-Fulfillment and Self-Sacrifice

There is so much pressure placed on us to feel fulfilled: in our job, our religious duties, our relationships, as parents, and more. We are taught to hold extremely high expectations for ourselves and our happiness. There is nothing wrong with making our physical, spiritual or emotional health a priority. After all, if we feel […]


Pre-Marital Counseling: The Key to Reducing the Divorce Rate

This article was originally published in FYI Magazine, the fastest growing home and lifestyle magazine for Jewish women. Would you attempt to fly a Boeing 747 airplane without receiving the proper education and instruction? Of course not! It would be a disaster – if you could even get the plane moving. So why would we […]

It’s Not “Too Late” to Save Your Marriage. Divorce Isn’t Going Anywhere!

It’s Not “Too Late” to Save Your Marriage. Divorce Isn’t Going Anywhere!

One spouse wants the other to change a behavior. They ask and ask. They wait and wait. But their spouse doesn’t make the change. Talk about frustrating. And hurtful. But then it happens! The spouse finally comes through. They fulfill their spouse’s request. This is great, right? Is the other person thrilled? Excited? Blissfully happy? […]

The Aftermath of a Figh

Learn How to Handle the Aftermath of a Fight

You probably remember the first big fight you had with your spouse. It was exhausting, disheartening, and even scary. Seeing them at such a high, dark emotional level tore at you. Maybe you felt like all was lost. Started to question why you chose them as your partner. Perhaps you started to wonder if you’d […]

Getting Stuck in the Past

Have any of these situations ever happened to you? You and your spouse argue about an issue that comes up again and again. But suddenly, your spouse relents. They say they will change their ways. And you think, “Yeah, right! It’s never going to happen!” (Maybe you even say so aloud.) A friend suggests how […]

Most Common Misconceptions about the Impact of Divorce on Children

Most Common Misconceptions about the Impact of Divorce on Children

This subject is very close to my heart. I had to navigate these very murky waters with my own children when their father and I divorced. We’ve all heard the common belief that when parents are unhappy together, their kids are also unhappy. By staying together, parents are forcing them to endure painful fights and […]