Check back regularly to find more news and relationship advice from Sara Freed.
The Dilemma: Is Chivalry Dead?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Sara FreedCheck out my article “The Dating Coach Weighs In: Is Chivalry Dead?” in the latest issue of Health and Heels. Chag Pesach sameach!
Sara Featured in Health & Heels Magazine as “The Dating Coach”
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Sara FreedThe Winter issue of Health & Heels Magazine just came out, and it contains Sara’s first article as “The Dating Coach.” You can expect to find another article from Sara in each new issue! Read it below:
Temporary Break from Blogging
/0 Comments/in News/by Sara FreedDue to personal obligations, I will be taking a break from blogging until further notice. I will update here when I start back up again. Thank you for your understanding. Sara Freed
I’ve Moved to Monsey – and Welcome New Clients!
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedIt’s been a busy few months for me! But I am excited to announce that my family and my practice have moved to the beautiful hamlet of Monsey, New York. We have been getting to know the area and, most importantly, the people. And we are now settled down enough that I am ready to […]
The Power of a Compliment
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedYou need to have more positive interactions than negative ones to maintain a happy, stable marriage. That makes sense, right? But what you might not know is how many more positive interactions you need. It’s a lot more. And it turns out that there actually is a magic ratio. Relationship expert John Gottman discovered we […]
Imagine Life without Your Spouse
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedWhen seeking to appreciate your spouse, you may look for the things they have added to your life. Maybe you think about the way your spouse spoils you with good food. Or surprises you with gifts. Perhaps you reflect on the first day you met. Or a meaningful date night. Or you could just appreciate […]
Be Brave: Don’t Walk Away, Acknowledge Your Feelings
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedConflict is a natural, normal part of any relationship. Yes, even happy, healthy ones. This is sometimes hard for people to accept. Many of us grow up believing the myth of “happily ever after.” Two people truly in love, who build a relationship with perfect harmony forevermore with little to no effort. But the reality […]
Change the Way You Think about Your Partner for Greater Happiness
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedWhen you begin a relationship, everything is new and exciting. It is a beautiful time full of discovery and new experiences. You are learning about one another. You might be trying out new hobbies and pastimes that the other person enjoys. You might be going out together to new restaurants, movies, and other special events. […]
Get a Good Night’s Sleep to Help Your Relationship (and Your Health)
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedIt started out with a simple discussion. But right from the beginning, both of you were short with each other. And it just escalated. Then that blowout seemed to lead to another… and another… Now things have gotten so bad, so quickly that you feel like you need a professional to help your relationship. Take […]
How to Let Go of “Being Right”
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedHave you ever had a fight with your spouse about some small, inconsequential detail? Maybe you are convinced that a shirt is black – not blue. Or he thinks you ordered coffee the last time you visited a restaurant, and you remember drinking tea. In the middle of the fight, you may even have a […]