Temporary Break from Blogging
Due to personal obligations, I will be taking a break from blogging until further notice. I will update here when I start back up again. Thank you for your understanding. Sara Freed
Due to personal obligations, I will be taking a break from blogging until further notice. I will update here when I start back up again. Thank you for your understanding. Sara Freed
Due to the Jewish holidays, I will take a break from my blog for the month of October. I plan to use this time to reflect, and I’ll be back again in November renewed with fresh ideas to help you improve yourself and your relationship. I would like to wish you and your loved ones […]
As you already know, the book I co-authored – Putting Kids First in Divorce: How to Reduce Conflict, Preserve Relationships & Protect Your Children During and After Divorce – is now available on Amazon and reached official Amazon best-selling status. The book was a best seller on the first day of release in 6 different […]
Podcasting is the new radio. And I’m excited to announce that I am featured in the first episode of the Kids First! podcast for Putting Kids First in Divorce, the book I recently co-authored. In my podcast episode, “Can You Save Your Marriage?” I discuss my book chapter “How to Work on Your Marriage When […]
Today’s the day! After a ton of hard work, I’m happy to announce that the book I co-authored, Putting Kids First in Divorce: How to Reduce Conflict, Preserve Relationships, and Protect Your Children During and After a Divorce, is now available on Amazon. Eleven divorce, co-parenting, and relationship professionals – including myself – have come […]
February 15, 2015 Mazal Tov! My daughter is engaged! Being a Relationship coach and certified divorce coach is a profession I greatly enjoy since I love helping others knowing there’s light at the end of the tunnel once one finds the right guidance and help. Having been through divorce, a failed brief second marriage, and […]
This question is almost always bound to come up at some point if you are meeting strangers say at an Event, be it family, friends, or work related. It will also almost always arise on a plane ride if you happen to be sitting near strangers other than family. On the plane on the way […]
For more information, contact Sara: sara@sarafreed.com or 917-355-8630