My Book Release: “Putting Kids First”

Today’s the day! After a ton of hard work, I’m happy to announce that the book I co-authored, Putting Kids First in Divorce: How to Reduce Conflict, Preserve Relationships, and Protect Your Children During and After a Divorce, is now available on Amazon. Eleven divorce, co-parenting, and relationship professionals – including myself – have come […]

The Invisible Space between Action and Reaction Can Fix Your Marriage

Too often during counseling sessions, I hear married couples make the same kinds of statements: “He made me do it!” or “She caused me to behave that way!” These exclamations are fairly common. And you have probably made your own similar statements to a close friend or family member, venting about your spouse. We don’t […]

Marriage Questions: What Do Surrendering and Forgiveness Have in Common?

Sometimes when we are married, we have to do things we don’t always want to do. We do these things because we love our partner and we know which battles are worth fighting. Often we try and try and try to get our spouse to CHANGE, but we need to realize – sooner than later […]

Why Change Will Save Your Marriage

Many of us will stay stuck in a belief or habitual behavior even if we know our spouse resents it. Even if our spouse consistently expresses that resentment. We are too arrogant or stubborn to admit “a problem.” Or to simply please our spouse and CHANGE. Why change? Because it can save your marriage. Now […]