Why You Should Revisit Old Happy Memories Together

Maybe you and your partner have built a lovely home, raised beautiful children, or spent many years together. When you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s likely that you’ve done so much as a couple that you can’t remember everything that happened between the moment you first met and today. Revisiting (or even reliving) these moments […]

4 Tools for Being Empathetic with Your Partner

There’s no getting around it: if you want to continue to build and grow your relationship, you need empathy. Empathy is the ability to see what another person is seeing or feel what they are feeling, in order to get a better understanding of that person’s point of view. Obviously, this is easier said than […]

Why It’s So Hard to Sincerely Apologize – and How to Move Past It

Let’s be honest – sometimes an apology seems more like an obligation. When you feel obligated to apologize, it can make you insincere. And while an insincere apology may help to move you past an argument once or twice, eventually your partner will get fed up and start refusing to accept your half-hearted apologies. This […]