Monsey marriage coach

Monsey Marriage Coach: Time Heals, but You Can Speed the Process

The pain and suffering caused by the betrayal of a spouse can deeply affect your physical, mental, or spiritual health. Because of this, healing from these wounds doesn’t happen overnight. You may be recovering for weeks, months, or even years, and everyone is different. Part of the healing process is accepting the fact that the […]

stop nagging start helping

Stop Nagging. Start Helping.

Every relationship comes with different responsibilities. Some married couples clearly define what each of them will be doing. Maybe a deal is made where one of them will be the “breadwinner” while the other handles the children and household tasks. Or they have a literal list detailing what each of them will be doing – […]

Marriage Coach: What I Learned on My Recent Vacation (Part 2)

Last week, I began to discuss a few things I learned on my recent vacation to Mont Tremblant, Quebec with my husband. Taking a vacation with your spouse is a great way to reconnect and have some fun together! But it also allows you time to observe and reflect on your marriage and your relationship […]

Marriage Advice: What I Learned on My Recent Vacation (Part 1)

As a marriage, divorce, and relationship coach, I naturally do a lot of introspection in my own marriage. I love to pick up on things that work between my husband and I and pass on marriage advice and what I learn from my own personal experiences to others. Recently, my husband and I took a […]