5 Rules for Discussing Finances with Your Spouse

It’s hard enough to budget as a single person. But when you add a spouse into the equation, money can quickly become a source of tension. Even if both partners are working and can afford to live comfortably, issues like savings, college funds, and healthcare may need to be arranged. Don’t put these conversations off […]

Prepare Your Marriage for Your First Child

Prepare Your Marriage for Your First Child

You and your spouse have probably already gone through a number of different changes over the course of your relationship. But whether it was getting married, buying a new home, or moving in together, you got through it and came out on the other side stronger and even more in love. Having your first child […]

How Date Night Can Keep Your Marriage Strong

Remember what it was like to go on dates before you were married to your partner? You got dressed up. You waited by the phone for the call. You sweated over all the big and little “mistakes” you made. And you felt a surge of joy when the two of you started to connect on […]

New York Couples Coach Is Couples Counseling Right for You

Is Couples Counseling Right for You?

No relationship is easy. Even when you and your partner are happy together, there is still effort required to keep your partnership afloat. That’s where a relationship coach comes in. If you haven’t been to a relationship coach before, it’s understandable to feel some hesitation about making an appointment. Is seeing a relationship coach worth […]