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Are You Stuck in a Pattern? Break Free!
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedIt’s far too easy to get stuck in unhealthy patterns. The busy, stressed-out pace of modern life – along with deeply ingrained childhood habits – can trip you and your spouse up. It’s easy to fall into relational ruts when you aren’t engaged in problem-solving. Here are some suggestions for breaking free from toxic patterns […]
Why You Have to Maintain Emotional Intimacy
/1 Comment/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedWhat is emotional intimacy? It’s when two partners feel safe sharing their innermost thoughts and emotions with each other. These intimate thoughts are usually kept from the eyes of the outside world, but shared within a close relationship. Emotional intimacy begins when one person takes a risk by sharing themselves. They do so because they […]
Wishing You a Happy New Year! I’ll Be Back on Oct. 17th.
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedI wish you all a happy and healthy New Year and blessed holidays! Due to the holidays, I will take a break from my blog, but I’ll be back on October 17th with more tips and ideas about how to strengthen your relationship. Shanah tovah! Sara Freed
Show Your Love By Having Fun Together
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedWhen life feels either stressful or mundane, it’s easy to lose sight of what first attracted you to someone. We all experience these types of feelings from time to time. Making time for fun activities can breathe life back into your relationship. It can teach you to appreciate one another more. Here are several ways […]
Why It’s Important to Communicate What Bothers You
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedIn a recent post, I wrote about why people need to make sacrifices in relationships. That when you have a partner, it’s important to be willing to give up some of your autonomy in order to make them happier – and vice versa. But you do not want to simply give in to behaviors, preferences, […]
Love Means Being Willing to Sacrifice
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedWhen you think about love, you probably imagine the things you will get out of a relationship. A partner who will dote on you. Who will support you in times of need. Who will be there to share things with. Who will make you laugh. Feel secure. Feel happy. In a good relationship, all of […]
What’s Your Partner’s Attachment Style?
/1 Comment/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedWe’ve all heard of the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” But when it comes to relationships, it’s not always best. Instead, it’s best to take it up a notch. Embrace the Platinum Rule: “Treat others the way they want to be treated.” The Platinum Rule is particularly […]
Two Words to Avoid in Arguments for Better Conflict Resolution
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedAlways. Never. In a heat of the moment, these two words can slip out way too easily. We use them as verbal battering rams when our partners hurt our feelings. “You never take out the trash.” “You always come home late from work.” Do these statements sound familiar? How do you anticipate the person they’re […]
A Forgiveness Exercise to Try with Your Spouse
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara FreedWe’re all human. Even your soulmate will make mistakes. Probably many of them. Repeatedly. That’s why forgiveness is such a vital part of a successful marriage. But there are many misconceptions about forgiveness. And they can hold us back from embracing it. It’s not just about moving on from conflict, forgetting what happened, or excusing […]
Give Love to Receive Love
/0 Comments/in Relationship Advice/by Sara Freed“I feel unloved.” It is a common sentiment expressed by my clients. Sometimes they even believe their spouses love them. They may even know it to be true. But they don’t feel it. And that matters. When you don’t feel the affection of your partner, it can cause you to drift away over time. You […]